Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Well, we just completed the last day of work. Tomorrow we are cleaning the house and getting all our stuff together and then we start driving for the airport at 2am! I had a 12 hour work day today from 5-5 and I have to say, I'm beat! Its been a great time here, but I am really looking forward to coming home. Thanks to everyone for stopping by here and leaving comments and taking such an interest in what I did here! I can't wait to see you all!

Medalheimur at the end of the day

Midden test pit!
My partner and I at the bottom of our second test pit- over two meters!!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Click here to see an amazing panorama taken of the unit my partner and I dug. It was a really important unit because we basically found a farm from before 1000, making it one of the oldest in the area!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Horses by the side of the road on the way back from the ride yesterday.

The horse I rode.

"Buckets" the cat that has adopted our house.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I realize its been a while since I posted- we've been really busy here! Today I spent most of the day delicately excavating an 1000 year old pile of horse bones. I had a dental pick, a set of brushes and my trowel- I felt like the kind of archaeologist you see in National Geographic! The other part of the day I spent recklessly shoveling dirt in different piles so I made up for it. Its been an amazing experience here this past month, but I can definitely say that I'm ready to come home soon. I miss everyone so much! I am planning on going horseback riding (again!) tomorrow hopefully with some others, so I will put up pictures after that.

Monday, July 23, 2007

yay we are back from our trip! We had an amazing time and saw more things than I thought possible in one weekend. I put all the pictures up on flickr so I think I will just point you in that direction!
Follow meeeee

Friday, July 20, 2007

So, believe it or not, I do actually do some work while I'm here. Per request, I am posting a couple of shots to prove this. The past couple of days I have been doing a lot of coring, which is basically when you take a meter long pole and stick it in the ground and then pull it up. What comes up is a sequence of deposits and strata which gives you a good idea of what is happening in that area. It is good to use when you want to see what is in the ground, but don't want to dig out a lot of pits in the process.
Yesterday we went on an interesting, if not somewhat random, tour of a nearby fish factory. Tomorrow morning we are going on an overnight trip to the Southeast part of the country to see some famous things like the Althing (a huge rift in the earth where the Vikings used to meet to settle disputes and make marriages etc.), the Geyser, and a glacier.

The site at Medalheimur

A core- in this one you can see a layers of different deposits including turf and midden.

Here is a picture of me screening for artifacts at the site Stora-Seyla. Taken by Jess.

And here is some serious troweling, also courtesy of Jess!

As always, you can see ALL my amazing pictures on my flickr page, as linked to on the right!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Last night we went to a natural hot springs called Grettir's Pool, named for an 11the century Viking who went there. It was really beautiful so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves: