Saturday, July 14, 2007

Today was great! We started out by going to a cafe that is kind of supposed to be traditional and the waitresses wear old fashioned Icelandic clothes. Now, my capital letters can't even began to convey the message that the food was SO GOOD. We had all the traditional Icelandic sweets (I can't spell their names) like cream pancakes, sherry cake, sugar pancakes, twisted donuts, and the most amazing hot chocolate you could possibly imagine. Oh man. Yeah, we are definitely going to be going back there. Then after that we went horse back riding again! This time I went to a different place with Kate and Pete from the project. It was great. I hope I can go at least once more before we leave. Here are a couple of pictures:


Fez MASTER said...

Are the "old fashioned Icelandic clothes" the waitresses wear anything like French maids' uniforms? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Well said.